Some Recent Plays
What do old people smell like?
just now
29 Whipping it out.
What's the new fad diet?
just now
62 Home video of Oprah sobbing into a Lean Cuisine®.
Dear Abby, I'm having some trouble with __________ and would like your advice.
just now
64 A fetus.
After the earthquake, Sean Penn brought __________ to the people of Haiti.
1 mins ago
50 Jew-fros.
__________: good to the last drop.
1 mins ago
106 Panda sex.
In L.A. County Jail, word is you can trade 200 cigarettes for __________.
1 mins ago
42 Keanu Reeves.
When I pooped, what came out of my butt?
1 mins ago
44 Glenn Beck being harried by a swarm of buzzards.
It's a trap!
2 mins ago
80 A sassy black woman.
What's the next Happy Meal® toy?
2 mins ago
43 Praying the gay away.
__________. It's a trap!
3 mins ago
78 Lady Gaga.
In M. Night Shyamalan's new movie, Bruce Willis discovers that __________ had really been __________ all along.
z | 1
The Übermensch.
x | 2
Ronald Reagan.
c | 3
My soul.
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Historical revisionism.
Five-Dollar Footlongs™.
Click a card (or use the keyboard shortcuts) to select it as the winner for this hand.

This is a work in progress - inspired by, but not affiliated with, the amazing folks at Cards Against Humanity.
The cards are a mix of CAH originals and custom original words and phrases.
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