Some Recent Plays
A romantic candlelit dinner would be incomplete without __________.
5 hours ago
54 Tripping balls.
What ended my last relationship?
5 hours ago
76 White people.
How am I maintaining my relationship status?
5 hours ago
102 Necrophilia.
Life for American Indians was forever changed when the White Man introduced them to __________.
5 hours ago
97 Morgan Freeman's voice.
What's my anti-drug?
5 hours ago
44 Beer shits.
What don't you want to find in your Chinese food?
5 hours ago
17 Feeding Rosie O'Donnell.
Alternative medicine is now embracing the curative powers of __________.
5 hours ago
57 God.
What will I bring back in time to convince people that I am a powerful wizard?
5 hours ago
99 2 Girls 1 Cup.
A romantic, candlelit dinner would be incomplete without __________.
5 hours ago
106 A sad handjob.
In Michael Jackson's final moments, he thought about __________.
5 hours ago
59 Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.
In M. Night Shyamalan's new movie, Bruce Willis discovers that __________ had really been __________ all along.
z | 1
The Übermensch.
x | 2
c | 3
Police brutality.
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Forgetting the Alamo.
Peanut Butter Jelly Time.
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This is a work in progress - inspired by, but not affiliated with, the amazing folks at Cards Against Humanity.
The cards are a mix of CAH originals and custom original words and phrases.
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