Some Recent Plays
When I was tripping on acid, __________ turned into __________.
just now
1 Muhammad (Praise Be Unto Him).
Raping and pillaging.
Coming to Broadway this season, __________: The Musical.
just now
82 Pac-Man uncontrollably guzzling cum.
The class field trip was completely ruined by __________.
just now
111 Sudden Poop Explosion Disease.
What did I bring back from Mexico?
1 mins ago
84 Nazis.
Why am I sticky?
1 mins ago
89 Child beauty pageants.
During Picasso's often-overlooked Brown Period, he produced hundreds of paintings of __________.
2 mins ago
41 A grande sugar-free iced soy caramel macchiato.
__________? There's an app for that.
2 mins ago
68 Panty raids.
In his new summer comedy, Rob Schneider is __________ trapped in the body of __________.
3 mins ago
1 Quiche.
Will Smith.
The socialist governments of Scandinavia have declared that access to __________ is a basic human right.
3 mins ago
45 Daddy issues.
In a world ravaged by __________, our only solace is __________.
4 mins ago
1 Jewish fraternities.
Pabst Blue Ribbon.
z | 1
x | 2
Full frontal nudity.
c | 3
Natalie Portman.
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This is a work in progress - inspired by, but not affiliated with, the amazing folks at Cards Against Humanity.
The cards are a mix of CAH originals and custom original words and phrases.
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