Some Recent Plays
Dear Abby, I'm having some trouble with __________ and would like your advice.
just now
115 A big black dick.
What's that smell?
just now
62 The shambling corpse of Larry King.
I never truly understood __________ until I encountered __________.
just now
1 Being a dinosaur.
Sean Penn.
What's the next Happy Meal toy?
1 mins ago
39 Bingeing and purging.
What is Batman's guilty pleasure?
1 mins ago
91 Nubile slave boys.
What helps Obama unwind?
1 mins ago
62 Penis envy.
I drink to forget __________.
1 mins ago
75 Passable transvestites.
Major League Baseball has banned __________ for giving players an unfair advantage.
2 mins ago
43 Statistically validated stereotypes.
I'm sorry, Professor, but I couldn't complete my homework because of __________.
2 mins ago
36 Amputees.
He who controls __________ controls the world.
2 mins ago
59 Edible underpants.
That's right, I killed __________. How, you ask? __________.
z | 1
x | 2
Feeding Rosie O'Donnell.
c | 3
An M. Night Shyamalan plot twist.
Hormone injections.
An erection that lasts longer than four hours.
Click a card (or use the keyboard shortcuts) to select it as the winner for this hand.

This is a work in progress - inspired by, but not affiliated with, the amazing folks at Cards Against Humanity.
The cards are a mix of CAH originals and custom original words and phrases.
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