Some Recent Plays
Anthropologists have recently discovered a primitive tribe that worships __________.
just now
55 Tom Cruise.
The CIA now interrogates enemy agents by repeatedly subjecting them to __________.
just now
57 Passing a kidney stone.
What would grandma find disturbing, yet oddly charming?
just now
56 A fetus.
But before I kill you, Mr. Bond, I must show you __________.
just now
109 Panda sex.
I got 99 problems but __________ ain't one.
1 mins ago
70 Black people.
While the United States raced the Soviet Union to the moon, the Mexican government funneled millions of pesos into research on __________.
1 mins ago
80 Stephen Hawking talking dirty.
In a world ravaged by __________, our only solace is __________.
2 mins ago
1 A rival dojo.
What's the next Happy Meal® toy?
2 mins ago
113 A stray pube.
Instead of coal, Santa now gives the bad children __________.
2 mins ago
58 Nocturnal emissions.
This is the way the world ends / This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but with __________.
2 mins ago
84 Literally eating shit.
z | 1
The South.
x | 2
Dead babies.
c | 3
A look-see.
Click a card (or use the keyboard shortcuts) to select it as the winner for this hand.

This is a work in progress - inspired by, but not affiliated with, the amazing folks at Cards Against Humanity.
The cards are a mix of CAH originals and custom original words and phrases.
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