Some Recent Plays
What do old people smell like?
30 hours ago
45 Lumberjack fantasies.
What would grandma find disturbing, yet oddly charming?
49 hours ago
91 Auschwitz.
Despite rumors to the contrary, I've never experienced __________.
49 hours ago
32 Pterodactyl eggs.
What's my anti-drug?
100 hours ago
44 Mad hacky-sack skills.
Why do I hurt all over?
126 hours ago
60 Adult Friendfinder.
What did the US airdrop to the children of Afghanistan?
153 hours ago
121 Lance Armstrong's missing testicle.
Next on ESPN2: The World Series of __________.
197 hours ago
36 Shapeshifters.
What did Vin Diesel eat for dinner?
223 hours ago
43 Obesity.
The CIA now interrogates enemy agents by repeatedly subjecting them to __________.
273 hours ago
37 Steve Irwin.
During Picasso's often-overlooked Brown Period, he produced hundreds of paintings of __________.
297 hours ago
51 A wisecracking terrorist.
And the Academy Award for __________ goes to __________.
z | 1
Feeding Rosie O'Donnell.
x | 2
c | 3
The Kool-Aid Man.
The Amish.
Girls who shouldn't go wild.
Click a card (or use the keyboard shortcuts) to select it as the winner for this hand.

This is a work in progress - inspired by, but not affiliated with, the amazing folks at Cards Against Humanity.
The cards are a mix of CAH originals and custom original words and phrases.
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