Some Recent Plays
In a world ravaged by __________, our only solace is __________.
10 hours ago
1 Getting drunk on mouthwash.
Canned tuna with extra dolphin.
In a world ravaged by __________, our only solace is __________.
10 hours ago
1 Guys who don't call.
Eating too much of a lamp.
In L.A. County Jail, word is you can trade 200 cigarettes for __________.
48 hours ago
81 A really cool hat.
What did Vin Diesel eat for dinner?
50 hours ago
59 Prosti-tots.
Science will never explain the origin of __________.
94 hours ago
26 Hormone injections.
When I'm in prison, I'll have __________ smuggled in.
94 hours ago
17 This answer is postmodern.
Anthropologists have recently discovered a primitive tribe that worships __________.
97 hours ago
37 Ethnic cleansing.
__________? There's an app for that.
118 hours ago
100 Child abuse.
In M. Night Shyamalan's new movie, Bruce Willis discovers that __________ had really been __________ all along.
118 hours ago
2 A falcon with a cap on its head.
Firing a rifle into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog.
Lifetime® presents __________, the story of __________.
170 hours ago
1 Doing the right thing.
Spontaneous human combustion.
I never truly understood __________ until I encountered __________.
z | 1
Altar boys.
x | 2
Keeping Christ in Christmas.
c | 3
Bingeing and purging.
Morgan Freeman's voice.
Feeding Rosie O'Donnell.
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This is a work in progress - inspired by, but not affiliated with, the amazing folks at Cards Against Humanity.
The cards are a mix of CAH originals and custom original words and phrases.
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